AvaxeProperty Object
    [bValid] => 
    [aData:AvaxeProperty:private] => 
    [sBaseUrl:AvaxeProperty:private] => https://api.avaxe.io/nashville/
    [sBackupUrl:AvaxeProperty:private] => https://api.avaxe.com/nashville/
    [sAvaxeLocation:AvaxeProperty:private] => nashville
    [sAvaxeKey:AvaxeProperty:private] => nolen
    [sSite:AvaxeProperty:private] => joshandersonrealestate.com
    [sVersion:AvaxeProperty:private] => 0.3.3
    [aSearchFields:AvaxeProperty:private] => Array
            [0] => 1stFloorBedroom
            [1] => AcresMax
            [2] => AcresMin
            [3] => Area
            [4] => AreaID
            [5] => BathsMax
            [6] => BathsMin
            [7] => BedsMax
            [8] => BedsMin
            [9] => City
            [10] => ClosedDate
            [11] => County
            [12] => Distance
            [13] => DrivingTime
            [14] => Foreclosure
            [15] => Garage
            [16] => Historic
            [17] => HighRise
            [18] => Keyword
            [19] => ListingAgencyCode
            [20] => ListDate
            [21] => MlsNumber
            [22] => Modified
            [23] => Neighborhood
            [24] => NewConstruction
            [25] => OpenHouse
            [26] => StartLocation
            [27] => PriceMax
            [28] => PriceMin
            [29] => PropertyStatus
            [30] => PropertyType
            [31] => Reduced
            [32] => School
            [33] => SqFtBasementMin
            [34] => SqFtMax
            [35] => SqFtMin
            [36] => StoriesMax
            [37] => StoriesMin
            [38] => StreetAddress
            [39] => Subdivision
            [40] => SwimmingPool
            [41] => Waterfront
            [42] => YrBuiltMax
            [43] => YrBuiltMin
            [44] => ZipCode
            [45] => Page
            [46] => Limit
            [47] => SortBy
            [48] => SortDir

    [aDebugUrls:AvaxeProperty:private] => Array
            [0] => https://api.avaxe.io/nashville/prep.php?location=nashville&key=nolen&class=AvaxeProperty&site=joshandersonrealestate.com&version=0.3.3

Nick Petrocci | The Anderson Group | Middle TN
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